Acupuncture for Infertility and Post Partum Treatment

The Berkley Center For Reproductive Wellness & Women’s Health is the only acupuncture and herbal medicine practice completely devoted to treating infertility.

The Berkley Center is world renowned in treating reproductive disorders with acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition, yoga and massage. We take a comprehensive approach to increasing your fertile wellness.

The Berkley Centers’ focus is on healing the root causes of infertility. Our approach is straightforward: first we help you to achieve greater overall health; then we focus on greatly enhancing your reproductive function.

The Benefits of Acupuncture Treatments
The acupuncture protocols and techniques, herbal medicine prescriptions and nutritional guidance which have been refined at The Berkley Center For Reproductive Wellness & Women’s Health over the past nine years continue to be effective in accomplishing these nine goals:

Improve the function of the ovaries to produce higher quality eggs
Regulate the hormones to produce a larger number of follicles
Increase blood flow to the uterus and increase the thickness of the uterine lining
Relax and de-stress
Prevent uterine contraction post IVF embryo transfer
Reduce the side-effects of IVF medications
Strengthen the immune system/Increase energy
Improve sperm count, motility, morphology and reduce sperm DNA fragmentation
Increase chance of conceiving
Decrease chance of miscarriage

Mission Statement
At The Berkley Center For Reproductive Wellness & Women’s Health we understand the enormous emotional, physical and spiritual impact that presents as a result of conception difficulties.

Our mission is to help you achieve your goal of conception and full term pregnancy.

We provide a safe, warm and compassionate environment offering a personal and caring relationship for each and every one of our patients. We understand that caring and nurturing are just as important to your success as medicine and procedures.

In addition to providing expert treatment through the administration of acupuncture and customized herbal medicine, we work very closely with a wonderful nutritionist and two excellent Reproductive Endocrinologists. We know from experience that a team oriented approach always works best.

It is our philosophy that through an integrated approach to reproductive wellness, encompassing acupuncture, herbs, nutrition, counseling, compassion and, when necessary, Western reproductive intervention, our patients will have the best outcome possible.

We invite you to join our family so we can help you start yours.

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