Marty Deighan

Chief Scott Bohn
West Chester Police Department
West Chester, PA

August 12, 2016

On Thursday August 11, 2016, a West Chester Police Officer identified as Sergeant Marty Deighan (by Lt. Sam Iacono as part of an on-going internal investigation), committed additional crimes and illegal activities.

On April 19, 2016, I filed complaints with you, Chief Scott Bohn, involving hate crimes and civil rights violations by your police force. In particular, I witnessed hate crimes and civil rights violations against people with disabilities. In the months following, I have made multiple complaints about your officers being involved in hate crimes.

Previously, I reported Sergeant Marty Deighan for victimizing me due to disabilities: at approximately 7:45 on June 21, 2016, and June 26, 2016 at approximately 10:45PM. Sergeant Deighan committed crimes against me and others. Then on August 11, he did it, again. The Sergeant's actions were in direct violation of the The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, Americans With Disabilities Act and other local, state and federal laws.

It is not my duty to explain my disabilities. In fact, that would also be a violation of my rights. However, it is the Sergeant's duty to protect and serve, not to violate my rights. Until you have him prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law, please have him removed from duty.

cc Mayor Carolyn Comitta

Bad West Chester Police - Marty Deighan

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