Corporal Joshua Lee

April 25, 2011

West Chester Police Department
401 East Gay Street
West Chester, PA 19380

Dear Sir:
Pursuant to my letter of April 18, 2011, I am requesting additional criminal charges be brought against several of your police officers. On the evening of April 22 and the morning of April 23, I was the victim of several crimes perpetrated by the West Chester Police Department. In particular, while I was filming what appeared to be an illegal search and seizure of a vehicle on Market Street, one of the police officers (Corporal Joshua Lee that also committed violations on April the 7th), physically assaulted me. He (Lee) attempted to knock me off my crutches and ripped the HD video camera from my hand. It is my belief that he also destroyed evidence while the camera was in his possession.

Later that night I recorded another police officer making an illegal search of my vehicle.

Just to make sure that I am being perfectly clear, this is my second written attempt to file criminal complaints against several West Chester Police Department officers. (Please see the attached evidence sheet for an example of a victim's statement for one of the crimes.)

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