Step-by-step Abuse Guide (Chronology of Events)
- Janet Brouse escalates verbal, psychology, sexual,
and physical abuse upon her spouse.
(Example /
Traducción en español |
Traduzione in Italiano)
- Cindy, a neighbor, calls the Whitpain Township Police while I'm being
physically attacked by Janet Brouse. The police arrive and assume the male
is the aggressor (resulting in my hospitalization.)
- My son is psychologically, emotionally
and physically abused by his mother, Janet Brouse.
- Janet Brouse abandons her family, files a false police report
and a false protection from abuse order (PFA).
- The Whitpain Township Police arrive at my house in an attempt
to take my children. Neither child wants to go with the police nor
their mother. My daughter hides under the bed but in the end she
is forced to go with the police. My son is old enough that the police
allow him to stay with me.
- My son and I attempt to file criminal complaints with
the Whitpain Township Police Department. We are refused. My
life is threatened by the two detectives. I call 911.
- I start the process of going through the disciplinary
chain of command to file a complaint against the Whitpain
Township Police Officers. This includes, but is not limited
to, The Whitpain Police's Sergeant of Internal Affairs,
The Whitpain Township Chief of Police, The Whitpain Township Manager,
The Whitpain Township Solicitor and the Montgomery County
District Attorney.
- Due to her past physical violence against her spouse and son, a Montgomery
County judge signs a Protection From Abuse Order (PFA) protecting the father and
children from Janet Brouse.
- Janet Brouse and Cheryl Sattin, Esquire file fraudulent
documents at the Montgomery County, PA Courthouse.
- My son is forced to testify that his mother beat him. A
custody agreement is reached giving me back 50% custody.
- Janet Brouse, her friends and the Whitpain Township Police
terrorize me and my daughter. I am forced to call 911 to prevent
their forced entry into my house. Again, my daughter attempts to hide.
However, the police take her from me AGAINST my court ordered custody.
- My son is taken from me against his will.
- Janet Brouse returns to my house and is witnessed going into
one of her rages. [David's Account /
Mike's Account]
- This Website Ain't No
Stinkin' Emergency! (Doi, It's the Child Abuse)
- Both children still express a desire to be living with their father
and are prepared to testify against their mother.
- Janet Brouse continues to
mentally abuse the children. Prior to the kids testifying against her,
she refuses to allow them refuge.
- The kids are forced to testify.
- The Judge ruled, "The kids are delightful!"
- Janet Brouse files another emergency petition. This
time she is trying to have her husband and children evicted
from their home. Though the children lived in the house
their entire lives, their friends like to come play, their sister
and family pets are buried on the property, etc., Janet
is trying to have them thrown out.
There does not appear to be a reason for this latest abusive action.
- Once again, the children are forced to prepare to testify
against their mother. The children do not want to sell their house!
It is their home.
- Because this website is being entered as evidence and read
as testimony, the children's voice was heard in court without
them having to appear in person. Thank you, God!
more to come....
- Cathy Morgan, Janet Brouse, Cindy-lou-who and The Whitpain
Township Police bear false witness against me.
- Cathy Morgan refuses to allow her son to go home.
- Cathy Morgan refuses to allow her son liberty at play.
- Cathy Morgan's lawyers and Cheryl Sattin, Esquire violate
Pennsylvania Legal Ethics.
more to come....
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Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent
allowed under the law.