You said: Usually "opting out" of these sites gets you permanently on their list plus all the others they will sell your info., too. Opting out proves you exist and have a valid e-mail addy. Bad idea. Another added: spam spam spam do not respond ... a response will confirm to them that your account is live .. I respond: 'tis true about opting out and 'tis true about spam since we're on the topic... you don't need to opt out or respond to validate your email address for spammers. if you have an email program that allows you to "click" on links, just viewing an email can validate your email address. the spammers do this by sending out an initial mass spam to "every possible email address" each email contains a unique URL when the email if viewed, it makes a webserver request that has been matched to your email address. once they see that URL has been accessed, they know you saw their spam. this validates your email address... and increases the amount of spam spewed upon you can ya follow what i'm saying? so DO NOT USE EMAIL PROGRAMS THAT DISPLAY WEBPAGES, ALLOW YOU TO CLICK ON LINKS, SHOW GRAPHICS IN THE BODY OF AN EMAIL, ETC.