Sustainable - Sustainability: Energy, Environment, Economy


Thymus Vulgaris


In time of crisis,
Have pity,
Bless me with Tai-iti.

Find out how invigorating,
Less they use it for embalming,
Have you ever tried,
Thyme dried?
Increases the intensity,
Up to a factor of three.

Use as an antiseptic,
To help protect,
Or, for goodness sake,
Treat your headache,
Is your name due to your smoky flavor,
Or, mummification posture?

Essential for a Creole meal,
And, a Jamaican Jerk,
Thwart a wart,
Or, right a bite,
Removing the sting,
Helping everything,
From your teeth and gums,
To your eyes and lungs.

Sooth a bruise,
You just can’t lose,
A nice salve to have,
For poultice practice,
Special anti-fungal,
Or, parasite fight.

“You give me courage,”
And, I encourage,
All of us,
To try it… you’ll be thankful you ate,
In the nick of time.


Before it’s too late –
It’s time for thyme,

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