Real Media Inc., Fort Washington PA., Senior MTS, Oct 1996 to Sept 1997.
Softech Resolutions Inc., Columbus OH., Consultant at CompuServe, Oct 1993 to Sept 1996.
Worked on the WOW signup server development team at CompuServe. The signup server handled the initial registration of new users. -- C, perl, DCE RPC, Visual C++, source safe, MS SQL Server, dblib.
Assisted in maintaining and enhancing the Unix user agent product which allows the user to navigate through various CompuServe products. Made the logs (100MB/day) available via reports, web searches and MSAccess -- sh, csh, C, perl, Unix tools, NT tools, html, MSAccess.
Participated in development of some components of the VEDA (enhanced forum management) environment. Developed test suites for VEDA libraries -- Windows NT, Visual C++, MS SQL Server and POET.
Developed a portable (Unix, DOS and Windows NT) regression test suite for a text retrieval library at CompuServe.
Universal Energy Systems, Columbus OH., Consultant, May 1993 to Oct 1993. Participated in specification, design and implementation of a workflow model of the marketing and sales process at Universal Energy Systems (Knowledge Integration Center) using an object-based environment (KI-Shell) -- Motif, AIX, Oracle, Embedded SQL.
TaraVisual Corporation, Columbus OH., Consultant, Apr 1993 to Oct 1993. Supported and maintained the X11-based apE-III visualization package. Ported apE-III to Linux and Solaris. Provided technical support for its users.
Graduate Teaching Associate, Computer Science, OSU at Newark, Fall 1992. Teaching CIS-211 -- An introductory programming course using MacPascal.
Graduate Research Associate, Department of Computer and Information Science (Chameleon data translation project), Ohio State University, Jan-Jun 1992. Participated in specification, design and implementation of a database translator generator for translation between ascii output generated by various commercial database managers -- lex, yacc.
Graduate Teaching Associate, Department of Physics, Ohio State University, Fall 1982 -- Fall 1991. Duties included: Teaching and grading under- graduate recitation, supervising laboratory sessions for general physics, and grading graduate level courses.
Graduate Research Associate, Department of Physics, Ohio State University, Fall 1986 - Summer 1987 -- Evaluated Lattice Gas Cellular Automata as a tool for computational hydrodynamics.
Interests include jazz, tennis, bridge and recreational programming.