Why was Abe L. Kerriour, Even born? I get curiouser and curiouser, And, yearn, To learn. What is the purpose, Of each and everyone of us? Might it be, To pave the way, For a savior? Ahhh... if I could just, Be an able carrier, Of the message, Certainly, I must, Make a career, Of time's passage... A full-time courier. Abe L., Born to be a signal, A sign of the time, Abe L. Kerriour, Ordained to reign, As an able, Carrier, Carrying the fable, Of the stable, Even further, Translator, Of the book, From the high priests, To the common crook, So, the mighty might look, On those that are least. Ahhh... someday, I hope to go the way, Of Abe L. Kerriour, And, be an able carrier, too... How about you?