Posts Tagged ‘corporations’

Good News: FaceBook IPO Flops

Saturday, May 19th, 2012

The initial puplic offering of FaceBook flopped on the NASDAQ. This is good news. It is rumored that the sinister bad bank Morgan Stanley had to eat it. When the offering price failed, the bad bankers had to come in and prop up the price. As it turns out, Mark Zuckerberg may be one of the largest criminals in our times. Just say NO to proping up sketchy shysters.

Will the New Owners of FaceBook Be Responsible?

Saturday, January 28th, 2012

PHILADELPHIA, PA: The word on the street is FaceBook may be going public (in an IPO) as soon as this coming week.

Will the new owners of FaceBook, those people who buy shares, be responsible for my privacy and security? Is it possible for individual shareholders to be accountable for what their company does?

At one point in time, people believed the corporate umbrella might shield them from illegal activities. Then, board members and executives found they were the defendants in civil and criminal suits. They thought a new type of insurance would protect them. It does not.

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