Posts Tagged ‘Pennsylvania’
Sunday, December 11th, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
by Daniel Brouse
Are there any parallels between the creation of Pennsylvania, the American Revolutionary War and the Occupy Wall Street Movement? Yes. It is quite interesting how the Quakers have been involved in all three movements.
As a Quaker in England, William Penn had been arrested six times for speaking out. In 1681, William requested a charter to start an American Colony for a “Holy Experiment”. In honor of William’s father, the King granted the land known as the Forests of Penn — Pennsylvania.
“William Penn was the first great hero of American liberty. During the late seventeenth century, when Protestants persecuted Catholics, Catholics persecuted Protestants, and both persecuted Quakers and Jews, Penn established an American sanctuary which protected freedom of conscience. Almost everywhere else, colonists stole land from the Indians, but Penn traveled unarmed among the Indians and negotiated peaceful purchases. He insisted that women deserved equal rights with men. He gave Pennsylvania a written constitution which limited the power of government, provided a humane penal code, and guaranteed many fundamental liberties.” — The Quakers’ The Freeman
The Quakers also played an important role in the Revolutionary War.
Among the pro-Revolutionary Friends was a group of 200 Free Quakers, who claimed to be “free of the ecclesiastical tyranny of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting,” the governing body of Pennsylvania Quakerdom. The Free Quakers charged the yearly meeting with abandoning the liberty of conscience – the cornerstone of William Penn’s “Holy Experiment” in government and his motive for resettling Europe’s religiously-persecuted peoples in his American colony – and elevating pacifism, a secondary testimony, as the defining principle of Quakerism and a prerequisite for membership in the Society of Friends.
The Quakers of Plymouth Meeting in old Philadelphia County, now Montgomery County, were careful to abide by the discipline of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and thus tried to avoid any involvement with either army during the Revolutionary War. Their meetinghouse, however, was strategically located along Germantown Pike between Philadelphia and Gen. George Washington’s headquarters at Whitemarsh. During the early winter of 1777, when Washington decided to relocate his forces at Valley Forge, the Plymouth Friends’ meetinghouse served as a hospital and campsite for the Continental Army en route to their winter encampment near the Chester County village. — State Of Pennsylvania Historical Markers
Occupy Philadelphia has founding principles similar to William Penn’s stand on Freedom Of Speech, and his commitment to non-violence. To date, dozens of Occupy protesters have been arrested for speaking out during peaceful demonstrations.
The Friends Meeting House at 15th and Cherry Streets finds itself in a strategic location for the Occupy Philadelphia movement. Due to the proximity of the the Friends Center to the Occupy encampment at Dilworth Plaza, City Hall, Philadelphia, the Friends furnished facilities to cook 1500 meals per day, provide medical treatment and hold meetings. After the forcible eviction of the non-violent protesters from Dilworth Plaza, the Friends continue to offer their hospitality.
Video of the Plymouth Meeting Friends
Posted in Education, Government, Law, Politics, Religion, Society, War And Peace | Tags: American history, free, freedom, Friends, liberty, Occupy Philadelphia, Occupy Wall Street, Pennsylvania, Quakers, Religion, Revolutionary War, USA, William Penn | Comments Off
Monday, November 14th, 2011
Press Conference at Occupy Philly
November 14, 2011
~ 1PM
by Daniel Brouse
On November 13, 2011, Philadelphia’s Mayor Nutter held a press conference changing his posture on the Occupy Philadelphia movement. During the show, he reversed his position on the protesters being allowed to obtain a new permit when the current permit expires on the 15th. Following is the response from the Occupy Philly Press Team:
YouTube HD Video: Occupy Philadelphia Press Conference Reply to Mayor Nutter
YouTube Low-Def Video: Occupy Philadelphia Press Conference Reply to Mayor Nutter (Shooting the Press)
Posted in Education, Energy, Environment, Finance, Government, Law, Media, Religion, Society | Tags: 10, 1060, 29, 3, 6, ABC, assaults, CBS, channel, City Hall, clean-up, corruption, Daniel Brouse, FOX, free, homeless, journalism, KYW, life, live, Mayor Nutter, Media, Michael Blas, movement, MP4, music, NBC, new, news, Occupy Philadlphia, Occupy Philly, Pennsylvania, press conference, protest, radio, rape, shelter, TV, UniVision, videos | 1 Comment »
Saturday, October 29th, 2011
Angela Davis Freedom of Speech at Occupy Philly
Philadelphia City Hall
October 28, 2011
Posted in Education, Government, Law, Media, Politics | Tags: activist, Angela Davis, City Hall, Daniel Brouse, downloads, free, music, music vidoes, new song, Occupy Oakland, Occupy Philadelphia, Occupy Philly, Occupy Wall Street, original, PA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, protest, singer, songwriter, video | Comments Off
Saturday, October 29th, 2011

Angela Davis Speech at Occupy Philly
Angela Davis Freedom of Speech at Occupy Philly
Philadelphia City Hall
October 28, 2011
Posted in Business, Government, Law, Politics | Tags: Angela Davis Freedom of Speech at Occupy Philly, City Hall, Daniel Brouse, downloads, free, MP3, MP4, music vidoes, Occupy Oakland, Occupy Philadelphia, Occupy Philly, Occupy Wall Street, PA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, protest, singer, songwriter, stike. unions | Comments Off
Wednesday, September 21st, 2011
Posted in Uncategorized | Tags: band, Chester County, live music, music festival, PA, Pennsylvania, West Chester, West Chester Music Festival, West Chester University | Comments Off
Saturday, August 27th, 2011

Hurricane Irene
Tropical Storm Conditions Spreading Northward Along Delmarva Coast
Published: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 10:58:54 EDT
At 11:00 a.m. EDT, the center of Hurricane Irene was located near latitude 35.2 north, longitude 76.4 west, or about 100 miles southwest of Cape Hatteras, N.C. Irene is moving toward the north-northeast near 15 mph and this general motion is expected to continue for the next 24 hours. The center of Irene is forecast to move across northeastern North Carolina this afternoon before moving near or over the Mid-Atlantic coast tonight and over southern New England on Sunday. Maximum sustained winds remain near 85 mph, with higher gusts. Irene is a Category One hurricane. Slight weakening is forecast as Irene crosses eastern North Carolina, but Irene is forecast to remain near hurricane strength as it moves near or over the Mid-Atlantic states and approaches New England. For storm information specific to your area in the U.S., please monitor products issued by your local NWS forecast office.
Posted in Uncategorized | Tags: 2011, alert, August 27, Hurricane, Irene, new jersey, Pennsylvania, season, weather | 1 Comment »
Friday, July 22nd, 2011
Posted in Uncategorized | Tags: Brandywine, Brandywine River, Chester County, children, children's music, Creek, family, free, fun, Jim Littman, Jimmy Littman, live music, Michael Rast, PA, Pennsylvania, Rob Dickenson | Comments Off
Monday, July 4th, 2011
A new collection of music. Though the songs are mostly original, there is a coversong or two.
Single: Jessi’s Song
On the Streets of West Chester Recording Sessions

Daniel Brouse Plays West Chester
More Daniel
Posted in Uncategorized | Tags: accoustic, Chester County, Daniel Brouse, downloads, free, guitar, jam band, live music, MP3s, music, musician, original, PA, Pennsylvania, Pink Floyd, songs, West Chester | Comments Off
Thursday, June 30th, 2011
Posted in Uncategorized | Tags: actor, built, car crash, Chester County, community, created, death, died, entertainment, friend, Jackass, life, memorial, mourn, mourning, movies, MTV, PA, Pennsylvania, picturesw, Ryan Dunn, TV, West Chester, West Goshen | Comments Off
Thursday, June 30th, 2011
Posted in Uncategorized | Tags: actor, built, car crash, Chester County, community, created, death, died, entertainment, Jackass, life, memorial, mourning, movies, MTV, PA, Pennsylvania, picturesw, Ryan Dunn, TV, West Chester, West Goshen | 1 Comment »