Posts Tagged ‘bad’

No FaceBook Ads On My Page

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

by Daniel Brouse

PHILADELPHIA, PA — One of the pioneers of the world wide web has come out against the advertising practices of FaceBook.

The primary reason: “Sponsors violate you (as well as, your friends) privacy and security.  In a criminal sense, Sponsors (in conspiracy with FaceBook)  violate basic human rights.  Not only is it a crime in the United States of America, it is recognized as an international crime.”

* Did you know your name shows up under sponsored links?
* Did you know you expose your friends through sponsored links?

WARNING: If you are a FaceBook user, make certain that you understand the privacy settings.  They are purposely set to violate you.


Dear Friends,
FaceBook is getting ready to sell your content. How much are they paying you? I suggest not. Have you seen this?

Facebook’s IPO Priced Up to $35, Seeks to Raise $13.6B

Facebook said Thursday that it set the price for its public offering at between
Dear FaceBook Sponsors: I intend to report on your bad practices. I plan on pointing out how stupid sponsors are for putting ads on my page and point out how you are getting tricked out of money.  Therefore, I suggest you do not advertise on my personal page.


      • Daniel Brouse seth, more importantly… i do not like what facebook is about to do to my musician and IP (intellectual property right owner) friends. in about two weeks, they are going to sell all their facebook content and keep the money. for shame!
      • oh yeah, and for the kids out there.. under 18… special laws apply to your privacy.
      • did you know the IRS and health insurance companies will audit your facebook posts? (just to name a couple concerns)
      • salt in the wound: a goodly portion of the facebook IPO proceeds for your intellectual property is being raised to pay Mark Zuckerberg’s tax bill on the money he stole from you.

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