Posts Tagged ‘privacy’
Saturday, May 19th, 2012
The initial puplic offering of FaceBook flopped on the NASDAQ. This is good news. It is rumored that the sinister bad bank Morgan Stanley had to eat it. When the offering price failed, the bad bankers had to come in and prop up the price. As it turns out, Mark Zuckerberg may be one of the largest criminals in our times. Just say NO to proping up sketchy shysters.
Posted in Uncategorized | Tags: bad business, banks, corporations, FaceBookc, IPO, law suitss, Mark Zuckerberg, Mogan Stanley, privacy, responsible, Security, shame, shareholders | Comments Off
Thursday, May 3rd, 2012
Dear Mark Zuckerberg,
It is my understanding that you have stolen my Intellectual Property Rights, as well as, a host of other crimes. I can prove that you have stolen my property… and, I want my money back. More importantly, I have many friends. You have stolen from them, too.
In the process of your theft, you committed many other even more serious crimes having to do with basic human rights, the Constitution of the United States of America (including the Bill Of Rights) and a multitude of specific local criminal activity.
Not only do we want our money back, we insist on additional restitution and time in jail.
Please turn yourself in.
Thank you,
PS Are your evil ways why you, and your friends, spend so much of our money on private protection and security… while you are violating ours?
About The Need For Security.
This is a reference to the Mayor of New York’s Bloomsberg report pointing out the most stockholder money being spent on personal security. The only person mentioned spending more:
Zynga Outspends Many To Protect CEO Pincus
Why are these guys so afraid?
Independent resource The Wall Street Journal
From time to time, we will send you e-mail announcements on new features and special offers from The Wall Street Journal Online.
Posted in Business, Law, Society | Tags: applications, crimes, criminal activity, FaceBook, inital public offering, IPO, Mark Zuckerberg, privacy, profile, scams, spying, stalkers, timeline, viewers | Comments Off
Thursday, May 3rd, 2012
by Daniel Brouse
PHILADELPHIA, PA — One of the pioneers of the world wide web has come out against the advertising practices of FaceBook.
The primary reason: “Sponsors violate you (as well as, your friends) privacy and security. In a criminal sense, Sponsors (in conspiracy with FaceBook) violate basic human rights. Not only is it a crime in the United States of America, it is recognized as an international crime.”
* Did you know your name shows up under sponsored links?
* Did you know you expose your friends through sponsored links?
WARNING: If you are a FaceBook user, make certain that you understand the privacy settings. They are purposely set to violate you.
Dear Friends,
FaceBook is getting ready to sell your content. How much are they paying you? I suggest not. Have you seen this?
Facebook’s IPO Priced Up to $35, Seeks to Raise $13.6B
Facebook said Thursday that it set the price for its public offering at between
Dear FaceBook Sponsors: I intend to report on your bad practices. I plan on pointing out how stupid sponsors are for putting ads on my page and point out how you are getting tricked out of money. Therefore, I suggest you do not advertise on my personal page.
Posted in Business, Finance, Law, Media, Security | Tags: ads, advertising, bad, FaceBook, fraud, intellectual property rights, invasion of privacy, IPO, mal, musicians, piracy, privacy, scams, sponsors | Comments Off
Saturday, January 28th, 2012
PHILADELPHIA, PA: The word on the street is FaceBook may be going public (in an IPO) as soon as this coming week.
Will the new owners of FaceBook, those people who buy shares, be responsible for my privacy and security? Is it possible for individual shareholders to be accountable for what their company does?
At one point in time, people believed the corporate umbrella might shield them from illegal activities. Then, board members and executives found they were the defendants in civil and criminal suits. They thought a new type of insurance would protect them. It does not.
Posted in Business, International, Media, Security, children, freedom, liberty | Tags: avarice, banks, corporations, FaceBookc, freedom, freedom of speech, IPO, Law, law suitss, privacy, responsible, save our souls, Security, shareholders, SOS | Comments Off
Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
If you go to today, you get a black page asking you to protest. If you to Google today, you will find their logo blacked-out and a plea to protest., The and have also *blacked-out* in support of the protest.
What has Internet intellectuals all in an up-roar?
Millions of Americans oppose SOPA and PIPA because these bills would censor the Internet and slow economic growth in the U.S.
Two bills before Congress, known as the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House, would censor the Web and impose harmful regulations on American business. Millions of Internet users and entrepreneurs already oppose SOPA and PIPA.
The Senate will begin voting on January 24th. Please let them know how you feel. Sign this petition urging Congress to vote NO on PIPA and SOPA before it is too late.
Tell Congress: Don’t censor the Web
Fighting online piracy is important. The most effective way to shut down pirate websites is through targeted legislation that cuts off their funding. There’s no need to make American social networks, blogs and search engines censor the Internet or undermine the existing laws that have enabled the Web to thrive, creating millions of U.S. jobs.
Too much is at stake – please vote NO on PIPA and SOPA.
– Google

Wikipedia Homepage Blackout Protesting USA Legislation

Google Homepage Blackout Protesting USA Legislation
Posted in Uncategorized | Tags: censorship, freedom of speech, Google, Government, intellectual property rights, Internet, IP, laws, liberty, PIPA, piracy, privacy, Protect IP Act, protest, Security, SOPA, Stop Online Piracy Act, WikiPedia, Wordpress | 2 Comments »