The Membrane Domain
- GMO’s: Throwing the Baby out with the Bathwaterby Daniel Brouse The definition of GMO is the modern version, not selective breeding. (0) GMO’s (genetically modified organism) have been around for thousands of years; however, the irrational fear of GMO’s is a recent phenomenon. Are there risks to GMO’s? Yes. Has there been any evidence of harm to human health? No. The risks […]
- US Corporate TaxesBy Daniel Brouse The United States is the only country that taxes domestic corporations on their worldwide income at the federal and state levels. “The IRS reminds you to report your worldwide income on your U.S. tax returns.” The United States has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Federal tax rates on corporate […]
- Killing Ourselves With Climate ChangeWASHINGTON DC — Climate change is maiming and killing humans. “This isn’t just about glaciers and the polar bears; it’s about the health of our family and our kids,” said Gina McCarthy, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, one of eight U.S. agencies that contributed to the report. “To protect ourselves and future generations, we […]
- GMO’s: Throwing the Baby out with the Bathwater
What a great day to participate in our presidential election... I got to strap on a guitar and play a whole Floyd medley... including Another Brick in the Wall Parts 1, 2 and 3 ( three being particularly relevant.) However, I was dumbfounded when the tRump supporters started singing along? Anyway, I got to be ordered by this officer. What more can a minion ask for? Should make for a great sound effect in the video. ...
Coming to a Police State near you... Live from KingArthur .com
Coming to a Police State near you... Live from KingArthur .com ...
- tRump Roast in West ChesterIt appeared more protesters showed up for the Donald Trump rally at West Chester University than did Trump supporters.
- First Philadelphia ConcertJack McCarthy presented “An illustrated lecture on Philadelphia music history, featuring archival images and audio recordings” to the Roxborough Manayunk Wissahickon Historical Society. Mr. McCarthy covered a chronology of music in the Philadelphia region. Of significance was the fact that the Ridge Hermits (Kelpius) performed the first known Philadelphia concert at the Old Swedes Church […]
- tRump Roast in West Chester
Natural Disasters
- Rocky Mount Fire, VirginiaIn April 2016, a wildfire broke out in Shenandoah National Park.
- Rocky Mount Fire, Virginia
The Ridge Hermits (Kelpius) performed the first known Philadelphia concert at the Old Swedes Church in 1701 ...Philadelphia Real Estate: Original Home of Kelpius the "Mystic" or "Ridge Hermit"
People would bring their children and animals to the Ridge Hermits to be healed. Located in Philadelphia's Wissahickon Park.
Bands And Artists -- ...Glistening Trail Records Band Roster: Streaming or Download Free MP3 Songs and Music Videos
Free For All Downloads of original bands -- MP3's, modern original music, lyrics, mpeg4, DivX, MPEG1, .MPG, DVD, Ogg Vorbis, avi, wav, Real Audio, Midi, Streaming Video, Ambient, Psychedelic, Techno, Folk, Rock N' Roll, Progressive, An Alternate to Alternative, Experimental, Cover Songs, Jazz, Free…
Singer / Songwriter
- Livin’ In HeavenLYRICS It’s been said that this life I’ve been given That this life is heaven Livin’ in heaven I’m livin’ in heaven The question remains have learned to be giving This life that I’m living Have I been giving This life that I’m living Is livin’ in heaven While livin’ this life I’ve been given […]
- We Are The ClayLYRICS Do you know what kind of model you are How can you expect junior goes far As baby sees, baby does Watch the future turn to was As baby sees, baby does Because…. Do you know what kind of leader you are Teaching that love is something bizarre Chorus Do you know what kind […]
- Plucking PetalsLYRICS For days and days With ease I’m plucking petals from daisies With ease Plucking petals from a daisy Getting a little dizzy Going round and round and round Round and round ’til there’s none to be found Plucking petals Plucking petals Plucking petals from daisies She loves me She loves me not She loves […]
- Disturbing The PeaceLYRICS Awoke from a slumber A little bit dumber A nightmarish dream Where I turn obscene How am I suppose to get any sleep With this racket going on Turns me into a creep When this racket’s going on How am I suppose to get any peace With this racket going on Gonna force you […]
- Livin’ In Heaven