The Membrane Domain
- Climate Change, Extreme Weather and Toxic Cropsby Daniel Brouse The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has released a report that examines how climate change is increasing the toxicity of crops. Crop Toxicity Extreme weather events, such as “drought and high temperatures, can trigger the accumulation in crops of chemical compounds that are toxic to animals and humans.” The report goes on […]
- Temperature Reaches 123 Degrees in IndiaThe temperature went over 123 degrees (50C) in India. This was the highest temperature ever recorded in the country. “Fishermen are advised not to venture into the sea along and off Tamil Nadu and Puducherry during the next 24 hours, along and off Andhra Pradesh coast during the next 48 hours and also and off […]
- Air Pollution Killing Millionsby Daniel Brouse It is estimated by the World Health Organization that 7 million people per year die as a result of air pollution. “According to the latest urban air quality database, 98% of cities in low- and middle income countries with more than 100,000 inhabitants do not meet WHO air quality guidelines. Over 80% […]
- Climate Change, Extreme Weather and Toxic Crops
There's something happening here... what it is ain't exactly clear... there's a man with a gun over there... tellin' me I got to beware. An original investigative report on Freedom In the United State of America ...The West Chester Police Department: Harassment, Civil Rights Violations, Hate Crimes
West Chester Police Department, Chester County, West Chester, Pennsylvania -- police misconduct, crimes, harassment, civil rights violations, hate crimes and conspiracy to commit crimes. The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
Quasi-governmental corporation violates civil rights -- ...West Chester Business Improvement District Goes Neo Nazi
WEST CHESTER, PA -- The West Chester Business Improvement District (BID) executive director, Malcolm Johnstone, was observed in illegal activities at the cor...
- West Chester Parking Authority Master PlanWEST CHESTER, PA — The Borough of West Chester held a public meeting to unveil the “Master Plan” for parking. Unfortunately, the most severe problem was not even addressed — the militant and hostile behavior of the West Chester Parking Authority. In fact, it did not appear as though a single representative from the Parking […]
- West Chester Business Improvement District Goes Neo-NaziWEST CHESTER, PA — The West Chester Business Improvement District (BID) executive director, Malcolm Johnstone, was observed in illegal activities at the corners of Gay and Church Streets in West Chester. Malcolm was filmed approaching a street artist and forcing him to stop painting. He also implied he had the authority to stop a street […]
- West Chester Parking Authority Master Plan
Natural Disasters
- Erskine Fire, CaliforniaAn expansive, destructive wildfire north of Los Angeles is visible from space by day and night.
- Erskine Fire, California
West Chester to outlaw singing, dancing, acting, reading, juggling, magic, mimes » Blog Archive » West Chester to Ban Singing and Dancing
WEST CHESTER, PA — The Borough of West Chester, Pennsylvania is attempting to pass an ordinance that would outlaw singing, dancing, acting, reading, juggling, magic, mimes and more. Unlike some “busking ordinances”, this ordinance will criminalize these activities for every person.
Fireworks Over the Wissahickon Valley ... Singer / Songwriter
- Freedom To Sing (at Gay Church)This song was written and recorded by Chadwick Eisman the day he was wrongfully cited for violating the noise ordinance of West Chester Borough. The board mix is compared and contrasted with the street mix to prove it is impossible for a musician playing acoustic guitar and singing to be loader than the ambient street […]
- Saving GraceThis song is about the three good cops in West Chester, Pennsylvania. While doing investigative reporting for the article “Hate Crimes, Civil and Human Rights Violations at the Gay Church of West Chester”, I uncovered a multitude of bad cops; however, I found three good ones… the saving grace. LYRICS Put on the good face […]
- Brian’s Song (For Gay Church)This song was written and recorded by Brian Goslin the day he was wrongfully arrested for violating the noise ordinance of West Chester Borough. The board mix is compared and contrasted with the street mix to prove it is impossible for a musician playing acoustic guitar to play loader than ambient noise. INSTRUMENTAL Brian’s Song.mp3 […]
- Dub C PD (West Chester Police Department)A song about 3 bad cops (people engaged in illegal behavior) in West Chester, Pennsylvania, and the crimes they’ve committed: Patrolman Albert McCarthy Jr. Patrolman Gregory M. Cugino Corporal Joshua Lee LYRICS It’s a sad state of affairs … a sad state of affairs It’s a sad state of affairs When nobody cares… … a […]
- Freedom To Sing (at Gay Church)