The Membrane Domain
- Air Pollution DeathsA report from the World Bank found: Air pollution has emerged as the deadliest form of pollution and the fourth leading risk factor for premature deaths worldwide. Those deaths cost the global economy about US$225 billion in lost labor income in 2013, a new study finds, pointing toward the economic burden of air pollution. The […]
- Cities Sink Faster Than Seas RiseAre sea levels rising due to global warming? Yes. Coastal cities are getting a double whammy. NASA reports: a review article published by a team of scientists who recently assembled in New Orleans, La., and in Venice, Italy, to examine the problem. Extraction of groundwater or fossil fuels, and sometimes simply generations of farming, are […]
- Scientists Say No to Chemtrailsby Daniel Brouse You can go on the internet just about any day and see conspiracy theories about chemtrails. There are those who believe governments are poisoning the population by spraying chemicals out of airplanes. One scientist decided to do a peer-reviewed study after searching the internet for scientific facts about chemtrails and finding none. […]
- Air Pollution Deaths
Local residents speak up for freedom of speech at the West Chester Borough public hearing for a Street Performers Ordinance ...
A public hearing for an ordinance to regulate free speech in West Chester was held this evening: ...
- West Chester Street Performance Ordincanceby Daniel Brouse WEST CHESTER, PA — A second public hearing for a proposed ordinance to regulate street performers was held on September 21 at Borough Hall. Due to the time length of the meeting, a third public hearing has been scheduled for October 18 at 6PM. The ordinance would regulate “the following activities: acting, […]
- West Chester Attempts to Regulate Free Speechby C. Moore WEST CHESTER, PA — At the second public hearing for a proposed ordinance to regulate street performers, the problems with creating a law that violates the Constitution of the United States became increasingly apparent. In fact, the ordinance is so problematic that a third public hearing has been scheduled for October 18 […]
- West Chester Street Performance Ordincance
Natural Disasters
- Puerto Rico Goes DarkA power plant fire left much of the island without electricity.
- Puerto Rico Goes Dark
American Indians / Native Americans / Indigenous People
American Indian Tribes, Native Americans, Indigenous People, Customs, Rituals, Study Materials, Information and Index of References. North America and Pennsylvania Indians living along the Delaware River, Susquehanna River and the Allegheny River. Where can I find out about cowboys and Indians and f...
The Justice Dept. -- ...JusticeDept.Com: trying to justify life through fairness, freedom, peace, love and understanding
Seeking truth, justice and the American way.
Singer / Songwriter
- Hypocrisy Of BureaucracyLYRICS The fallacy of their bureaucracy Is embedded in their head The fallacy of their bureaucracy Is headed where we dread In fact, it’s quite frightening Getting struck twice by lightening (The hypocrisy of the bureaucracy) The fallacy of their bureaucracy Rains reign on our head The fallacy of their bureaucracy Reigns the arts are […]
- Ass-U-MeLYRICS Do you like staring a gift horse In the mouth Are running the same coarse Every month Let’s see… assume Hmmmm… Shall I assume you’ll make an ass of you and me Ass-u-me Do you like cutting off your nose Spite your face Do you assume and suppose Deserved space? Ass-U-Me.mp3 ABOUT THE SONG […]
- Dirty SecretLYRICS The secret Is their dirty habit — They’ll never admit They did it As I watch their eye Watching me… It’s pretty darn easy For you to see Their bond of conspiracy Is troubling… deeply An eye for an eye Or lie upon lie Their command of literacy Is lacking… completely Unless their heresy […]
- Light YearLight Year.mp3 LYRICS At the speed of light The rays Raise to a light year In a mere 365 days At the speed of light At the speed of light We can break through the darkness of night One light year away In 365 and 1/4 of a day At the speed of light ABOUT […]
- Hypocrisy Of Bureaucracy