Archive for December, 2010
Monday, December 27th, 2010
Have you been seeing the articles about the Wisemen translation into English?
Good stuff… descendants of Adam’s third son travel back from China following the star.
“And when it concentrated itself, it appeared to us in the bodily form of a small and humble human, and he said to us: ‘Peace to you, sons of my hidden mysteries.’… the inhabitants of the world cannot bear to see the glory of the only Son of the Father of majesty, unless it appeared for them in the form of their world.”
Posted in Christmas, Education, Religion | Tags: Adam, Bible, Christmas, Eve, Jesus, Magi, Maji, Seth, the star, three wisemen, Wisemen | Comments Off
Tuesday, December 21st, 2010
Posted in Christmas, music | Tags: baby, Christmas, Christmas music, downloads, free, gift, God, Jesus, love, lyrics, message, MP3s, music, second coming of Christ, songs | Comments Off
Tuesday, December 14th, 2010
Daniel released a Christmas single, Small Miracle.
Posted in Christmas, music | Tags: baby, Christmas, Christmas music, delivery, downloads, free, gift, God, Jesus, love, lyrics, message, MP3s, music, songs | Comments Off
Monday, December 13th, 2010
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 2010 .MP3
The Dave Version
David wrote us and said:
Your interpretation of the meaning of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman” is incorrect. Merry in the old english of this carol did not mean “Happy” it meant “Mighty” or “Powerful” (Think Robin Hoods Merry Men – They weren’t happy because they were wearing tights you know they were a powerful fighting unit) The word “Rest” in the old english also meant to invest a property in or in other words to “make”
So the first line of the carol in modern English would be “God Make You Mighty Gentlemen” Similarly, the term “Merry Christmas” means have a “Powerful” Christmas. Kind of gives the phrase a whole new meaning doesn’t it?
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (Bill Clinton Version)
Posted in Christmas, music | Tags: baby, Christmas, Christmas music, free downloads, gift, God, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, Jesus, love, lyrics, meaning, MP3s, music, powerful, songs | Comments Off
Monday, December 13th, 2010
As part of their Christmas Album, the The Holiday Band released the single, Noise Heard ’round the World.
Posted in Christmas, music | Tags: baby, Christmas, Christmas music, downloads, free, gift, God, Jesus, love, lyrics, message, MP3s, music, songs | Comments Off
Saturday, December 11th, 2010

Is Christmas Messed Up?
The Holiday Band released a Holiday song by the name Is Christmas Messed Up?.
Posted in Christmas, music | Tags: Christmas, Christmas music, downloads, free, holiday, love, lyrics, meaning of Christmas, message, MP3s, music, peace on Earth, songs | Comments Off
Thursday, December 9th, 2010
The Holiday Band released a song for Christmas about the religions of The Book — Missionary Position.
Posted in Christmas, music | Tags: Al Hijra, Calander, Christians, Christmas, Christmas music, downloads, free, Hanukkah, Islam as the Religions Of The Book. Christmas, Jews, love, lyrics, message, MP3s, music, Muslims, New Years, peace on Earth, Ramadan, songs | Comments Off
Wednesday, December 8th, 2010
Marine snow is a shower of organic material falling from upper waters to the deep ocean
As plants and animals near the surface of the ocean die and decay, they fall toward the sea floor, just like leaves and decaying material fall onto a forest floor. In addition to dead animals and plants, marine snow also includes fecal matter, sand, soot, and other inorganic dust.
The decaying material is referred to as “marine snow” because it looks a little bit like white fluffy bits. The “snowflakes” grow as they fall, some reaching several centimeters in diameter. Some flakes fall for weeks before finally reaching the ocean floor.
This continuous rain of marine snow provides food for many deep-sea creatures. Many animals in the dark parts of the ocean filter marine snow from the water or scavenge it from the seabed. Over the past 20 years or so, NOAA scientists and others have measured the amount of useable material in marine snow and found that there is plenty of carbon and nitrogen to feed many of the scavengers in the deep sea.
The small percentage of material not consumed in shallower waters becomes incorporated into the muddy “ooze” blanketing the ocean floor, where it is further decomposed through biological activity. About three-quarters of the deep ocean floor is covered in this thick, smooth ooze. The ooze collects as much as six meters (20 feet) every million years. It is usually 289 meters (948 feet) thick, but can be up to nearly 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) thick.
Posted in Science | Tags: life, marine, oceans, Science | Comments Off
Wednesday, December 8th, 2010
The Cave Dwellers have released a Christmas song entitled These Better Days.
Posted in music | Tags: Christmas, Christmas music, downloads, free, love, lyrics, message, MP3s, music, peace on Earth, songs | Comments Off
Tuesday, December 7th, 2010
Photos from the Pajama Party MurkFest music festival with Local Dub, Rob Perna, Jr., Pete Kranx and the Wide Eyed Mother Brothers and Psychedelphia in Honey Brook, Chester County, Pennsylvania.

Psychedelphia Band
Posted in music | Tags: bands, Chester County, Jr., live music, Local Dub, MurkFes, music, PA, Pajama Party, Pennsylvania, Pete Kranx and the Wide Eyed Mother Brothers, photos, pictures, Psychedelphia in Honey Brook, Rob Perna, t music festival | Comments Off