Local Dub

Local Dub Playing Reggae
Local Dub
Genre: reggunk
Vocals- Daniel Savage
Guitar- Aaron Polli
Guitar- Rob Perna Jr
Drums- Andrew Walls
Bass- Seth Juknevic
Back up Vocals- Lindsay DelaFuente
Hometown: West Chester, PA (and beyond)
About: “our roots run deep”
Description: Local Dub is a Reggae band with a unique sound, drawing inspiration from dancing and singing. Very talented rhythm section, and creative originals make this band fun to watch and also a positive force in the music business.
Biography: Local Dub is a combination reggae/funk band, making their way around the greater Philadelphia, and Allentown areas. Though a relatively new band, their message of positivity, unity, and enlightenment will surely break through all barriers. They are bound to make you move. Members include, but are not limited to; Vocals- Daniel Savage, Guitar- Aaron Polli, Guitar- Rob Perna Jr, Drums- Andrew Walls, Bass- Seth Juknevic, Back up Vocals- Lindsay DelaFuente, Percussion- Chris Purtle
Current Location West Chester, PA
General Manager — Rob Perna
Booking Agent — Rob Perna
Influences: Bob Marley, Paul Simon, Michael Jackson, Steve and John Morgan Kimock, New Kings of Rhythm, Judah Tribe
Website http://reverbnation.com/localdub
Likes and Interests
Stand for HEMP, reggaeville, The M Room, The Pale Horse Gastropub, JUDAH TRIBE, Pickering Creek Inn, The New Kings of Rhythm, Trouble City All-Stars, The Art of Hollie Dilley, Arctic Alchemy, Stephen Marley